Growing a business from the ground up is no mean feat, and lots of thought, effort and time goes into it.
With investment and careful planning, your biz will go from strength to strength. Sometimes though, you just want a quick fix. Something to inject energy into your business to give it a boost – and it’s easier than you think.
Here are my top tips for some easy wins.
Images are king
When was the last time you updated your images? Sharing the right images can make such a difference to your business to help you stand out in the wedding industry. Images are the first thing your potential customer sees, and when we’re building a relationship online, one of the easiest ways to develop a relationship with a business is through visuals. Have a think about updating your imagery on your website or take some new shots for social – see the difference!
Check your links
Your virtual shop window is being shared more times than you think. One potential bridal client becomes 2, 3, 4, 5 even 6 more pairs of eyes between her friends and family on your business assets. If your website is falling down, they will click away. It’s not worth losing a bride over. Set some time aside to go through your website and check it’s a smooth user experience.
Be consistent
The easiest win. Be consistent with posting. Of course, quality over quantity is key, but carving out some time each day, or week for focusing on your socials, your email marketing or to interact with your community is really important and a great way to get things moving. Stay visible, stay top of mind.
Give your business a better chance to thrive by checking out my shop and bridal business podcast TODAY.
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