You’re about to read real-life ‘case studies’ from just 5 of our BBSB students.

Many of these special hair and makeup artists started where you are right now reading this page.

What made a difference for them was their COACHABILITY, WILLINGNESS to learn, and OPENNESS to make quick DECISIONS.

Their ‘ATTITUDE’ moved-the-needle and created enough momentum to put their business into ‘GROWTH’ mode!

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Case Study #1 Sophie Jakeman


Before BBSB:

  • Before she joined her bookings were solely through other artists
  • Struggled without leads or a proper business structure
  • Wanted to take her business from an expensive hobby to a full time career

after joining BBSB:

  • She joined the BBSB in October 2022
  • Implemented our systems and strategies immediately
  • Focused on growing her own business
  • Made it work around her toddler son


  • Beginning of 2023 she received 114 leads
  • Quit her part time waitressing job
  • Took £18,145 in new bookings in 90 days
  • Walked into 2023 with 31 weddings
  • On track to hit an annual 6-figure income
  • Over 95% growth in BBSB

Case Study #2 Katrina Kelly 


Before bbsb:

  • During the pandemic her wedding business wasn't even off the ground
  • Working 3 days a week at a busy hair salon
  • Tried to start her wedding business with disappointing results
  • Invested in Kerry Curl 1:1 coaching programme to learn how to attract more brides

after joining bbsb:

  • She graduated into BBSB in November 2021
  • Transitioned from full time hairstylist to full time bridal hair specialist
  • Reinvented her business and built a strong personal brand within the wedding industry
  • Gained new clarity on the direction her company


  • Increased her pricing structure to ‘high-ticket’
  • Won a National TWIA award 
  • Quit her salon job
  • Listed on 5 luxury wedding venue supplier lists
  • Took £8.5k in one calendar month
  • Walked into 2023 with 124 leads from engagement season
  • Consistently achieving £15k or higher every 90 days
  • Over 94% growth inside BBSB

Case Study #3 HANNAH MASON


Before bbsb:

  • Working for a local law firm
  • In May 2022 she launched her makeup business
  • Invested in BBSB group programme, closed one client in the DM’s that paid for her training
  • After implementing a few strategies, revamped her social media and quickly grew her following with ideal clients

After joining bbsb:

  • Joined BBSB in November 2022
  • Increased her pricing without turning away mainstream market leads
  • Implemented many strategies and systems
  • Changed her ‘biz-identity’ and brand positioning


  • By the end of March 2023 she had taken £10,121 in new bookings
  • Quit her law firm job
  • Got her business listed with 3 luxury wedding venues
  • 98% growth inside BBSB

CASE STUDY #4 claire milburn


Before bbsb:

  • Wasnt using social media as a lead generation tool
  • Struggled with the process of hiring new bridal team members
  • Super time poor, didnt know what to work on now and next
  • Wanted to scale her income past 6 figures

after joining bbsb:

  • She joined BBSB in December 2023
  • Acquired new business skills and learned how to attract quality leads
  • Revamped her emails, copy, everything
  • Gained new clarity on the direction of her business


  • By March 2024 made £38, 931 in 90 days
  • Hit 6 figures in income
  • Hired 2 new bridal team members
  • Over 69% growth in the BBSB

Case Study #5 gemma souter


Before bbsb:

  • Over-subscribed with home hairdressing clients for many years
  • Reached a ‘revenue plateau’ limiting growth for 3 years charging low bridal rates
  • Had a firm warning from her GP to slow down or face a severe chronic illness

After joining bbsb:

  • Reduced her hairdressing clients by 50% but kept the same level of income 
  • Implemented systems, revamped her social media channels
  • Dedicated to working ‘on’ her business, not just ‘in’ it
  • Gained clarity on her purpose and vision for her business 


  • Eliminated her 3 year business revenue plateau
  • Introduced premium pricing structures
  • Got featured in multiple wedding magazines
  • Quickly achieved £10k in 90 days
  • Over 51% growth in BBSB 

I’m ready to join BBSB!

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What other industry leaders have to say about Kerry Curl

"Kerry is the leading expert in the world of wedding hair and makeup artists...

If you are thinking of working with her, do not hesitate. She’s a genuine, knowledgeable and a smart business woman! Highly recommend her’’

Kelly Mortimer,
UK’s #1 expert in wedding sales

"Kerry is a 'mover and shaker' in the wedding industry...

 I love the way she has carved her coaching niche in that sector. As a fellow wedding industry 'name' her enthusiasm is infectious, and she is developing a smart, sharp reputation for her coaching delivery.

I would recommend anyone looking for a savvy industry coach to consider her, and the coaching group she has founded’’

heather stanford, 
The Legal Fairy GodMother To The Wedding Industry

"I’ve known Kerry for 8 years, she’s the perfect fit!"

I have known and worked with Kerry in the wedding industry for 8 years, from working with her as she grew a successful business as the Cambridge Makeup artist and then as she transitioned into mentoring.

If you are looking for help and advice to grow your beautify business within the wedding industry and want to work with someone who has walked the path first - Kerry is the perfect fit!

Becca Poutney,
Wedding Industry Marketing Expert - Vicinity Weddings

Meet the Founder