step into the spotlight 

high-level BUSINESS MENTORING for 

fearless bridal Hair & Makeup Artists ready for more


The people who join my programmes don’t come with empty diaries, scrambling for enquiries. They’re already fully booked. They’re ready to elevate - to learn how to create content that shows high-ticket brides EXACTLY what they and their team are made of.

scale with me..

My programmes are filled with driven, self-motivated dream clients who take ownership of their results. 

Their income gets SWEETER and SWEETER month after month. They don't need positive energy manifestations, I have proven strategies using my proven 6-Figure Success Cycle ®

Let’s upgrade to premium

If you're pumped up right now, I've created a step-by-step roadmap for your success..

There’s no perfect time. Stop waiting for the perfect Instagram feed - your next level of success is waiting for you to take action.

When I decided to act quickly, I opened the door to incredible success - It’s about having the confidence to act now, instead of waiting for the “perfect” moment.

The people building massive empires and luxury beauty brands aren’t doubting themselves with, “Can I do this?” They’re confidently saying, “Why not me?”.

When you push forward with a "whatever it takes" mindset and let go of worrying about what other hair or makeup artists think, everything starts to shift..

When you step into leadership instead of following, your brand becomes MAGNETIC to the right clients.

2025 is your year to stop waiting and step into your power—don’t let it pass you by.

Most artists are blocking their own success

You know 2025 is your year to EXPLODE,  make 10K+ months and go BIG in your bridal business...

Right now, you’re earning 2-5k a month, but you know you have the potential to take bold steps and elevate your income.

You know the warm up period is over, it's time to REALLY stand out.

Lock arms with me, and take 2025 & lets get you the income and business you deserve.

In 6 months you could have an entirely new business, life and identity...if you're ready to move FEARLESSLY.

Why the f**k not you?

Read  case studies

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premium offers

group coaching







‘’In 90 days I've recieved 44 bookings, £38,931.50 in income and looks like another 3 bookings coming in today for £1014, £717, and £930! I'm delighted, I cant thank you enough Kerry! This programme has been life changing!'' 


grab it for £97

ready to make bigger moves?

Learn how to
dial up your
confidence &
get paid